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This is very hard to achieve because GC + RAII do not play nice together. It's hard to reason about whether an RAII resource has been cleaned up since managed objects have non-deterministic destruction. This non-determinism is unsuitable for common RAII patterns like scoped mutex locks. Now, the question being begged is "Can this be avoided by not using destructors with managed objects?" Yes, but not reasonably. Any unmanaged objects that are owned in the entire managed object graph now also have non-deterministic destruction. Thus, the only way to reasonably follow this constraint is to have the compiler disallow/warn when an object with a non-trivial destructor (explicit or implicit) is used with GC. If that wasn't enough of a pain, any runtime-polymorphic types may also need to be destructed and these can't be known at compile time if dynamic linking is used. In essence, these concepts are incompatible to a point where any language supporting both will likely make extensive trade-offs.

I find this really sad because many developers may never be exposed to how elegant RAII can be if they are never exposed to non-memory-managed languages. Sure it can be approximated using `with` constructs, but those don't allow resource allocations to cross scope boundaries.

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