My Nexus 6p worked pretty well except had to do a battery replacement once after which the battery life remained excellent. After nearly 3 years of usage, dropped it and shattered the glass. Tried several places for a replacement screen but the feedback everywhere was "parts no longer available". The phone works perfectly otherwise and I had no intention of getting a new one soon. Finally gave up and bought a Oneplus 6.
This kind of forced phasing out of devices is really unfortunate.
This is eerily similar to my experience. I absolutely love my OnePlus 6. 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB storage is phenomenal, and double the resources of the pixel 3
Random question about OnePlus since I'm seeing it in a Linux conversation... do you happen to use Termux? If so do you happen to know how to run a daemon (e.g. SSH) without getting choked by BgDetect every few minutes?
Yeah I do run termux, but I don't run an SSH daemon anymore (mostly because of issues like that). I just plug in the USB cable and run `adb shell` whenever I need a shell on the phone.
Performance for file transfers is also way faster and more reliable using `adb pull /sdcard/DCIM ./` than with `scp -r phone:/sdcard/DCIM/ ./`
I use termux mostly just run my own ruby scripts or SSH to cloud servers and stuff.
Mind if I ask where the conversation is? (if it's public). That sounds like something I'd enjoy :-)
Your question was not directed towards me but would like to add that for synhing media between phone and computer, Syncthing[0] has been great for me. Once setup, no manual steps are required anymore - everything syncs automatically.
Oh, I was just referring to this post, which is about putting Linux on devices meant for other OSes. :-)
Ah I see. Yeah I use USB when I need to, but I neither always have enough data to warrant the speed (often just a handful of pics...), nor is it true that I only want SSH for file transfer. =P
The only good deal I got on Amazon was for 8GB/128GB storage - still have about 70GB left after having copied all my media over from the Nexus 6p. I think I'll be ready for a replacement by the time I get near filling that 70GB up.
This kind of forced phasing out of devices is really unfortunate.