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I once had a solicitation for cable so I tried to get the guy to describe in as much detail as he would the porn options.

When I get calls from the home buyer scams I'll get to the point where they ask for my address. I'll make up something like 6843927991 Esplanada Terraced View Way Point Circle and I've never been called on it, they act like something is wrong with the system when they can't find the address.

Sometimes when I call numbers back I'll go right into a spiel asking if they're registered voters who want to see Trump president for life and what monthly support amount can we count on. I find it so amusing when I get responses like "this number can not receive unsolicited calls". I found for some reason people will usually stay on the line if you plow through the conversation, it's like they want to first explain why I shouldn't be calling them before hanging up.

For some reason my favorite name I've come up with for these people is Bobert Robertson. I'll play with them when they ask me to spell it, sometimes it's Bobrot Robyurtzon, the y is silent of course.

I've had people beg me to stop calling them, that I'm disrupting their work day. When you get into it it can be very amusing.

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