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I love the debate about what is or is not "nature" these days.

We try to separate humans from other organisms because our use of tools/building nests is so far advanced from say, what an ant produces, or a bird making a nest, or a monkey with a stick.

But we're no different from those organisms in terms of tools and nesting, we're just really good at what we do. You could argue humans are different in that we possess self-awareness but that's an entirely different debate.

And then there's the "but what about our effect on the planet?" debate. What about it? Some say the effect we have isn't natural. But even that only has weight depending on what you mean by "natural". It's natural for humans to terraform and move earth the way we see fit. At the moment we're at risk of going extinct because of it, but the jury isn't out that we won't use technology to once again survive.

Look at the structural difference between systems of Nature and systems of Civilization.

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