In particular, it lacks any conventional boat elements like a method of propulsion or steering.
He is clearly milking the label for all it's worth though, the GPS tracker ID was "diogene" (French for Diogenes of Greek philosopher living in a barrel fame) and his sponsors included several manufacturers of wine barrels (, who apparently also helped build the thing.
>the GPS tracker ID was "diogene" (French for Diogenes of Greek philosopher living in a barrel fame)
In that case I am slightly disappointed that the voyage was undertaken without the barrel also containing a pack of feral dogs. The resulting footage would be worth it if nothing else.
As almost always is the case the CNN article is light on details. Popular mechanics is slightly better - with some eye candy. I have to say a 72 year old man crossing the atlantic in a unpowered vessel is amazing. Good for him.
Where was he? sitting at the top of the barrel? or on another accompanying boat?