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Show HN: Website for daily reading practice for GRE test takers
1 point by Raj7k on May 8, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Hey everyone, I have created a website called https://preparingforgre.com for daily reading practice to help with reading comprehension and vocabulary. I had prepared for GRE and felt that this kind of a website was missing so I wanted to start this project I'll be grateful for any feedback and will work on improving the site.

Nice job. Think about adding a place where you can select the words you want to practice. Or a word cloud with the words available to practice.

Also, the hardest part about using a site like this is using it on a regular basis. Think about gamefying the site so the user feels a need to continue.

It's hard to suggest improvements unless you use the site on a regular basis so you make sure you ask your users how to improve it since they are the ones that would know best.

Sure, you points seems valid. We will implement them to improve the product.

Loved your website! Simple and to the point!

Thanks a lot. I am glad that you liked it.

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