"At Etsy, we are releasing changes to code and application configs over 25 times a day."
Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but 25 times a day? I'm very curious as to the types of changes. UI tweaks? Bug fixes? Do they have to make a config change every time someone creates a new store?
Often 40+ times. 25 is closer to the average, though. UI tweaks, bug fixes, config changes, and quite a lot of work on unreleased features. We never do giant deploys for new user-facing features. When they're released they've been running in production well in advance, and the product release is just a config change.
Graphite definitely does not get enough love. It's an amazing piece of software, though can be a little rough around the edges sometimes -- I imagine it's improved a lot over the last year.
The idea to add markers for code deploys is great. Totally stealing that one.
Not using it for anything right now -- haven't had time to integrate the it into the stack at my new company. I miss it. ;-)
However, we used it for all kinds of things at my previous company: everything from incrementing a counter for every web request, database hit, cache miss, slow page (html generation time > a certain threshold), user action, what have you.
Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but 25 times a day? I'm very curious as to the types of changes. UI tweaks? Bug fixes? Do they have to make a config change every time someone creates a new store?
Not judgmental, just curious.