You're right, I completely forgot about Etherpad. But I don't consider Etherpad the same as Quilljs or ProseMirror. Etherpad is something you host (an app itself) while the other text editors are something you can build upon/integrate into your app. I didn't want to host an instance of Etherpad, I needed a library.
I wanted an editing experience similar to text editor: consistent, well-formed html output and formatting. At the time, Quilljs was one of the best open-source editor that produced consistent output regardless of the browser.
Also I didn't want to store html, I wanted to store operations in the database.
I have an app similar to Figma[1] (basically real-time Sketch) and I needed just the real-time text editing feature.
I wanted an editing experience similar to text editor: consistent, well-formed html output and formatting. At the time, Quilljs was one of the best open-source editor that produced consistent output regardless of the browser.
Also I didn't want to store html, I wanted to store operations in the database.
I have an app similar to Figma[1] (basically real-time Sketch) and I needed just the real-time text editing feature.