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> The main gap in trust is that facebook does not disclose their source code

Nah, nobody gives a damn about the source code, or reproducible builds to ensure the binary they're executing was compiled with that source.

The main gap in trust is that Facebook has a long history of lying and cheating to maximize for themselves so there's no basis to trust that their new moves are good for users.

But conspiracy theories about e2e being read by Facebook are probably bogus, and certainly a distraction.

Even though the source is closed, I'd bet they're doing a credible job of securing messages so that even Facebook can't read them.

That's not the issue, it's a distraction from what's really important.

What's really important is that Facebook has lost control of the monster it created. This is a way to let the monster loose and avoid accountability.

Their platform amplifies harmful content like incitement to violence, terrorist recruiting and coordination, and political propaganda.

By encrypting everything so even Facebook can't read it, Facebook escapes accountability for the harm their platform inflicts on people.

Very similar to a chemical company dumping toxic waste in public water, Facebook is dumping their pollution on the public by using strong encryption to make it physically impossible for Facebook to control the monster they created.

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