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A few things. First, I play in an Irish wedding band (it’s insane how much people pay for wedding bands...and since they’re Irish weddings we usually all end up being fed shots throughout the night (this was more fun when I was in my twenties, now I stick with a beer or two so that I’m still standing (well, sitting, I’m a drummer) at the end of the night). Secondly I do quite a bit of teaching / mentoring. It’s easier in nyc than in other places because of how many boot camps there are here but companies pay quite a bit for a 6-10 pm twice a week gig. Plus at my job I’m primarily working with php and vanilla js so this helps me keep my react / insert framework or library here skills sharp. I argue that this is still outside the field because teaching beginning web dev is to actually working as a programmer as apples are to oranges. That last sentence was super bungled but I think the point comes across.

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