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> I clean it by putting bleach in the bowl

But if your neighbors flush vinegar down the toilet, it will react into chlorine in the sewer.

I thought it was ammonia and bleach that should never be mixed.

Isn't bleach used in a lot of laundry cleaning already, so it's a bit inevitable that bleach & vinegar would end up in the sewer system?

What does vinegar + bleach do exactly? It sounds like something I don't want to try at home.

A mix of sodium acetate, oxygen, and chlorine gas results. The first two items aren't an issue, but the third... Let's just advise against mixing anything with bleach unless you have a pressing need to recreate WWI chemical warfare in your bathroom

It's a good thing. Bleach by itself is an inefficient disinfectant. You need a lot, which is wasteful. Adding a bit of vinegar to change the pH will make the chlorine much more available for disinfecting.

I used to keep a bottle pre-mixed. It won't last very long though, so mixing before use is better.

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