Full-stack developer who can help you build your MVP in a turnkey way (requirements/ongoing communication in, working proof-of-concept, MVP, or early product out).
Looking for projects starting soon with roughly 1- to 6-month timelines and budgets ~US$20k-100k.
Have worked with clients found via HN for years; references available upon request.
- sanity-check and tighten up requirements and scope
- estimate time/cost to implement
- design and develop your MVP's tech stack from the data store to the front-end UI
- perform simple server buildouts
- integrate with SaaS APIs
Preferred tech stack:
- Back: Python/Flask, Ruby/Rails, Clojure
- Data: SQL or NoSQL
- Front: Responsive HTML5, moderate JavaScript/Vue, ClojureScript
- Server: Linux VPS or Heroku/AWS
Also do non-MVP web/systems development in Python, Ruby, and Clojure. Timelines from 1 day to long-term. Bill hourly/daily or quote.
Full-stack developer who can help you build your MVP in a turnkey way (requirements/ongoing communication in, working proof-of-concept, MVP, or early product out).
Looking for projects starting soon with roughly 1- to 6-month timelines and budgets ~US$20k-100k.
Have worked with clients found via HN for years; references available upon request.
Preferred tech stack: Also do non-MVP web/systems development in Python, Ruby, and Clojure. Timelines from 1 day to long-term. Bill hourly/daily or quote.Site: https://jeffkayser.com
Contact: https://jeffkayser.com/contact/ or jeff+hn@jeffkayser.com
GitHub: https://github.com/jeffkayser
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffkayser