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May 1st is Labor Day in most of the world.

I was born in a communist country, you don't need to tell me. There was Labor day march elsewhere, as I wrote in the previous comment. This was a protest. They did not move and actually did call themselves a protest, not march (if you asked about that, they pointed you to the march that was elsewhere and also at another time later in the day).

> you don't need to tell me

All right, but I was saying so from the perspective and for the potential benefit of US readers, who celebrate Labor Day in the fall.

As for your other point, at least here in Switzerland, the delineation between "march" and "protest" is not so clear, and May Day usually features both.

> All right, but I was saying so from the perspective and for the potential benefit of US readers, who celebrate Labor Day in the fall.

I had no idea about that and misinterpreted your comment. Sorry about that.

Yeah usually it's not so clearly separated here as well, but this year they made a separate protest, probably because of the EUP elections.

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