Often when children go missing the parents are responsible or complicit in some way. People write things down all the time -- a google account may contain incriminating emails, IM messages, or other documents such as journal entries.
I'm squicked out about the invasion like many are, and if I thought about it carefully I expect I would come out against the idea, but I can actually see the case for this invasion.
> Often when children go missing the parents are responsible or complicit in some way.
In that case, they are being investigated as suspects and should obtain all of the due process that suspects are afforded under the law. Reasonable suspicion, warrants, etc. should all be obtained - not "we won't investigate the crime unless you surrender your rights and permit us to investigate you as a suspect without warrant or cause."
I'm squicked out about the invasion like many are, and if I thought about it carefully I expect I would come out against the idea, but I can actually see the case for this invasion.