> One of the benefits of taxation is taking it and using it for the collective good
Which is true no matter if the tax rate is 1% or 75%
> He could be taxed at 99.9 percent and still have millions left over
I realize this is hyperbole but do realize that no 99.9% tax would be complied with
> tax on every dollar over $100 million in profits they earn anywhere in the world
oh the American hubris, so lost in the goal of catering to their constituents that they think this institution has a valid claim on assets, and income. Lets take a cut of everyone's productivity IN A MORE FAIR WAY crowd cheers.
But alas, the US rule of law makes it secure for you to do business and these corporations benefit from this society and use its services - but thats also true whether the tax is 1% of 75%, so it isn't really an argument
> article shows graphs about tax rebates
Article doesn't talk about how the corporations used tax rebates at all. It talks about the outcome of paying no tax, talks about all these proposals, and none of the proposals talk about tax rebates. Even the most ambitious proposal here would probably not effect how these corporations operate. Are people - I dare say - stupid? Is this a mass reading comprehension issue?
It is interesting that people who can simply read can play tax games like this for another 100 years before anyone catches on.
Which is true no matter if the tax rate is 1% or 75%
> He could be taxed at 99.9 percent and still have millions left over
I realize this is hyperbole but do realize that no 99.9% tax would be complied with
> tax on every dollar over $100 million in profits they earn anywhere in the world
oh the American hubris, so lost in the goal of catering to their constituents that they think this institution has a valid claim on assets, and income. Lets take a cut of everyone's productivity IN A MORE FAIR WAY crowd cheers.
But alas, the US rule of law makes it secure for you to do business and these corporations benefit from this society and use its services - but thats also true whether the tax is 1% of 75%, so it isn't really an argument
> article shows graphs about tax rebates
Article doesn't talk about how the corporations used tax rebates at all. It talks about the outcome of paying no tax, talks about all these proposals, and none of the proposals talk about tax rebates. Even the most ambitious proposal here would probably not effect how these corporations operate. Are people - I dare say - stupid? Is this a mass reading comprehension issue?
It is interesting that people who can simply read can play tax games like this for another 100 years before anyone catches on.