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So many latency questions. Do a basic search: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_(satellite_constellat...

Yupp relevant bit from there:

Internet traffic via a geostationary satellite has a minimum theoretical round-trip latency of at least 477 ms (between user and ground gateway), but in practice, current satellites have latencies of 600 ms or more. Starlink satellites would orbit at 1⁄30 to 1⁄105 of the height of geostationary orbits, and thus offer more practical Earth-to-sat latencies of around 25 to 35 ms, comparable to existing cable and fiber networks[51] (although transmitting a signal halfway around the globe takes at least 67 ms at the speed of light).

Is your single page app not yet designed to be satellite compatible?

It looks like they are quoting "as low as 25 ms".

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