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As others have pointed out, a lot of compilers have basically stayed the same in the past 25 years. What's changed has been some new (generally special-purpose) minor optimizations, and the growth of compilers to consider less traditional domains.

The newer things:

* SLP vectorization. Instead of classic vectorization (where you have a loop that you convert to a vector), SLP vectorization tries to form vectors from a single basic block, and it can work quite well for the small SIMD units such as SSE.

* Polyhedral loop transformation. This is sort of the equivalent of the lattice-based dataflow analysis methodology, which is to say it's a very powerful, and slow, general-purpose technique which actually isn't used all that much in production compilers.

* Decompilation, disassembly, and other forms of static binary analysis have progressed a fair amount in the past decade or so.

* Dynamic binary analysis/translation, of which the state of the art is probably Intel Pin (https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1065034).

* JITs have evolved a lot. In terms of what's missing from the classic compiler books, this is the big missing area. Things such as tracing, recompilation techniques, garbage collection, guard techniques, etc. have come a long way, and I'm not off-hand aware of any actual good book or paper here that covers most of the topic.

* Superoptimization is a technique that's still mostly in the academic phase, but you are seeing peephole optimizations and other information populated by ahead-of-time superoptimization (e.g., Regehr's Souper work).

* Symbolic and concolic execution is something else that's in the transition phase between academic and industry work. The most advanced use of concolic execution is fuzzing work where concolic execution is used to guide the fuzzer to generate specific inputs to test as many paths as possible.

Most of these topics wouldn't be covered in something as introductory as the Dragon Book (which itself has poor coverage of the major loop transformations), and generally only come into play in more specific scenarios.

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