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This sounds like a good demonstration of how mindless the activity of scrolling through Instagram truly is. (Even a monkey can do it).

It's similar to watching TV or mindlessly browsing the web for non-intellectual activities. Perhaps we should be concerned about the impact of these technologies on our evolution as a species. There does seem to be supporting research for this (sorry for not providing links/ref).

Why isn't it a demonstration of how intuitive the hardware and UI are.

haters gonna hate

> Perhaps we should be concerned about the impact of these technologies on our evolution as a species.

Tinder is already breeding humans in a sense.

Chimpanzees are not monkeys.

"Monkey" in reference to a Pan troglodyte?

About as mindless as friendships, eating, love, sex, handling death.

The bit of human sophistication and intellectual pleasures are no golden throne. We are animals with a kink for tech and thought, but not much more.

It's always interesting to see the opening scene, but of course that is too simple to explain what is happening over the world:


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