I haven't read the full paper to know what hardware it needs, but if it can be put into a headphone like wearable and integrated into phone to be output as text, then we can type on phone as fast as we can think. Looking forward to it! Also once of the major impediments to using voice assistants in public is to not want to shout into the phone and if it can be directly integrated into the assistant, the voice assistant use will explode. The possibilities are amazing!
This technology uses an electrode array referred to as ECoG, which needs to be surgically placed on the surface of the brain. Current technology does not make it possible to have the signal quality from non-invasive methods.
If there is enough information in EEG signals to generate speech, an intervening layer to "convert" EEG signals into ECoG signals is an unnecessary complication.
Unfortunately, there probably isn't; on top of that, EEGs are extremely susceptible to noise from nerve signals going to the head/face, such as clenching your jaw or raising your eyebrows
ECoG has much higher temporal and spatial resolution than EEG. Conversion from EEG to ECoG is not likely, the opposite can be done, but not very useful though.