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There’s a difference between Googling and comprehension. Google is a great substitute for remembering facts and details. It means there’s more room in my brain for concepts and things that can’t just be Googled for.

Treat Google as an augmentation of your brain. You both do what you’re good at (facts vs. concepts) and you end up better overall.

I don't know if I completely believe the more room for your memory part. That's my excuse for not memorizing things that take a few minutes to look up. I don't necessarily believe it as a truth. I've heard the memory of people in countries where paper is scarce tends to be amazing. This was before the everyone had a phone. I think we would have to measure how much memory is achievable for certain tasks before we can calculate room saved for concepts and where the threshold becomes an advantage. Anyway I'm a skeptic either way.

Concur: anything to lessen cognitive load.

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