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It's the only "serious" attempt as declared by whom exactly, the committee of serious attempts?

There are other serious attempts (D, Swift, Go) which the Rust community likes to dismiss for various reasons, but at least two of them are currently much more successful than Rust. They don't have to be 100% in the same niche to take a bite of marketshare.

Even if C++ breaks backwards compatibility in some ways, it will still have better backwards compatibility to itself and C than Rust or any other language. This break could be something as radical as a C++ "unsafe", or it could be clang's -Wlifetimes, or something else. Credit's due to Rust here for pushing some parts of the C++ community to search for solutions.

I do not dispute that the languages that you've listed are serious attempts. They do not remain in the same niche, however. I would define that niche as "capable of replacing C even in free-standing implementation".

For D and Go, having a GC immediately puts them outside of that niche. For Go, I would also add all the FFI weirdness due to its weird stack discipline, which means that it is non-zero-overhead when interacting with non-Go code - a fatal omission for any contender for a low-level systems language.

Swift is much closer to the metal, and I would consider it a serious contender if it was pushed on all platforms. But it seems that Apple is not interested in its use outside of their ecosystem, which constrains its effective niche to be much narrower than C++ or Rust, ironically.

And yes, of course C++ is always going to have better backwards compatibility. If it didn't, it wouldn't be C++. But its ability to fix issues is directly correlated with that compatibility - it's a dial where you can have more of one and less of the other, as you choose, but you can't have both. Rust (and Swift) can fix more problems, or can fix problems in better ways, because they are not so constrained.

Conversely, if C++ were to introduce safe-by-default, and require explicit opt-in into unsafe - with all present code being considered unsafe - then what you have is a new language that just happens to embed C++ for compatibility reasons. At that point you might as well fix the syntax warts etc as well in that new safe language, since it breaks everything anyway.

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