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> So, no, it wasn't rejected by "the population" (a term that it was always be inaccurate[1]). It was rejected by a minority. And the treaty being one that requires unanimous approval, failed because of that.

Uhm sorry no. Read the links. It was rejected by the majority of the voters both in France and the Netherlands.

What happened afterwards in France was to change it slightly and make it pass by parliamentary vote instead.

About the accuracy of the term "the population", I simply mean it "by the local rules for a nation wide referendum".

I meant a minority of the European people/countries. Whether you count by population, or by the number of countries.

(a) By number of states: 18 approved it, 2 rejected it, and the rest canceled/dropped efforts as it was effectively a failure (at that point).

(b) By population: Let's add together the populations of the 18 countries that approved of it, and the 2 that rejected it. I'm confident the total population of the 18 europhiles exceeds that of the 2 naysayers.

We don't know how things would have fared in the rest of the EU (that dropped/canceled referendums or legislative votes on this), but of those 20 countries, a majority of both people and countries were for the EU Constitution.

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