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So how exactly, will Polar "re-boot" the internet, deflate inflated tuition and decrease the cost of textbooks? What exactly does "re-boot" the internet even mean? Honestly, this seems like a whole lot of snake oil to me. If you have no intentions of directly combating tuition prices, which would require political intervention at the highest level of government, then why would you mention it? Unless of course your intentions were simply to evoke some emotional reaction in your viewers... reminds me of a family guy episode I watched where Louse ran for mayor. Eventually her campaign devolved from something substantial into a buzzword shouting competition between her and her running mate. I was half surprised when the article ended without talking about how Polar was going to rid the world of terrorism and the opioid epidemic.

True.. I think part of this is that some of the more long term features I plan on implementing in Polar are pretty revolutionary and I don't really want to discuss then until we're ready to release.

I'm worried of larger and more funded companies like Facebook simply running off with the ideas and not contributing back the way I intend.

But fair criticism.

> I think part of this is that some of the more long term features I plan on implementing in Polar are pretty revolutionary and I don't really want to discuss then until we're ready to release.

Then you shouldn't even hint at them yet. It will just be confusing. I know that with products I've developed and sold in the past, I've always had much grander plans for them than what I actually told people at first.

> I'm worried of larger and more funded companies like Facebook simply running off with the ideas and not contributing back the way I intend.

That's a common and understandable fear, but I think a misplaced one. Truly, ideas are a dime a dozen. The value is in execution. Execute very well (and don't forget the "do one thing extremely well" advice -- it's a truism for a reason) and it doesn't matter if anybody else has lifted your idea.

Well funded companies like Facebook, etc., will be in a position to implement their form of your idea in the end anyway, even if it's just by buying and using your product. The protection from the big boys that you get from secrecy is largely illusory.

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