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> Sell plant starts - a little late for this year, but it's one of those things you can save seeds from your regular groceries / food prep at home and early Spring...ba-da-bing ba-da-bang...kind of almost free plants!

Might work with vegetables, but aren't most grocery fruits derived from cuttings?

Actually it doesn't even work with most vegetables. To get the kind of yields people are used to, many vegetables are hybrids. The kicker is, the second generation plant (the one that you'd grow from the seeds) is no longer a hybrid, so you won't get the same plant.


And as you point out, most fruits can't be grown from seeds either. _Something_ will grow, but you aren't going to get Sweetango apples from seeds.

>most fruits can't be grown from seeds either. _Something_ will grow, but you aren't going to get Sweetango apples from seeds.

Help me understand this. What will grow from the seed? Why won't whatever grows, produce fruit?

For selling, you'll want to have starts, from seeds. Peppers, cucumbers and so on. Organic is usually far easier to sprout - especially if they haven't been radiated or whatever they do to things to keep them "fresh".

For eating, it's fun to toss scraps like lettuce feet, scallion spiders, and ginger thumbs and eventually (almost) never buy them again. Potatoes are fun since they grow so fast and just a bucket by the window is enough.

Of course, a trip to a local farmers market and you'll have an even better starting stock.

Farm it!

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