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GitHub and GitLab support task checklists in Markdown and also project boards which add and remove labels like 'ready' and 'in progress' when cards are moved between board columns; like kanban:

- [ ] not complete

- [x] completed

Other tools support additional per-task workflow states:

- [o] open

- [x (2019-04-17)] completed on date

I worked on a large hospital internal software project where the task was to build a system for reusable checklists editable through the web that prints them out in duplicate or triplicate at nearby printers. People really liked having the tangible paper copy.

"The Checklist Manifesto" by Atul Gawande was published while I worked there. TIL pilots have been using checklists for process control in order to reduce error for many years.

Evernote, RememberTheMilk, Google Tasks, and Google Keep all support checklists. Asana and Gitea and TaskWarrior support task dependencies.

A person could carry around a Hipster PDA with Bullet Journal style tasks lists with checkboxes; printed from a GTD service with an API and a @media print CSS stylesheet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_PDA

I'm not aware of very many tools that support authoring reusable checklists with structured data elements and data validation.


There are a number of configuration management systems like Puppet, Chef, Salt, and Ansible that build a graph of completable and verifiable tasks and then depth-first traverse said graph (either with hash randomization resulting in sometimes different traversals or with source order as an implicit ordering)

Resource scheduling systems like operating systems and conference room schedulers can take ~task priority into account when optimally ordering tasks given available resources; like triage.

Scheduling algorithms: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15267146

TodoMVC catalogs Todo list implementations with very many MV* JS Frameworks: http://todomvc.com

Reusable Checklists could be done with a simple text document that you duplicate every time you need it no ?

For sure. Though many tools don't read .txt (or .md/.markdown) files.

GitHub and GitLab support (multiple) Issue and Pull Request templates:

Default: /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md || Configure in web interface

/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/Name.md || /.gitlab/issue_templates/Name.md

Default: /.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md || Configure in web interface

/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/Name.md || /.gitlab/merge_request_templates/Name.md

There are template templates in awesome-github-templates [1] and checklist template templates in github-issue-templates [2].

[1] https://github.com/devspace/awesome-github-templates

[2] https://github.com/stevemao/github-issue-templates

I really want slack to adopt these as well...

I'll often be on call with customer and create a checklist on MacOS Notes on the fly. Then will copy paste that in slack or github for simple tracking.

Mattermost supports threaded replies and Markdown with checklist checkboxes

You can post GitHub/GitLab project updates to a Slack/Mattermost channel with webhooks (and search for and display GH/GL issues with /slash commands); though issue edits and checkbox state changes aren't (yet?) included in the events that channels receive.

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