My biggest quarrel with this is that its just another way for google to take control over the internet. Does any other search provider than google use AMP? Does any browser other than googles own support this?
How busy are you? You can't wait 0.5 seconds for an HTTP request? And you think its worth feeding google with more precise data about your movements online than they already have? And as a business integrating AMP, loose control over your own content and platform? Why?
my counter argument to this would be: we don’t need more corporate control of the internet and standards, we need less... bing throwing their weight in isn’t any better imo
I don't have links to hand but everything I've seen shows real dropoffs in users as you increase the time. Once you're looking at low numbers of seconds you're looking at significant numbers of users simply abandoning the site. Half a second extra is not insignificant, and the user experience changes a lot between things that feel instant and things that have a noticeable wait.
Yes but you don't need AMP to have a fast loading website or even one that applies the same principles as AMP when it comes to having inline CSS, loading scripts async etc. The biggest problem in all of this is usually ads and analytics anyways.
Also Google controlling AMP specifications means Google can decide what widgets (from what companies) can be there on the page, what ad networks and analytics systems can be used.