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The javascript is heavily cached, so will not give a request on every page load.

That is not the intention. If javascript is disabled entirely, Google Search won't even load AMP pages. The scenario you describe of a user loading an AMP page directly without javascript enabled is somewhat rare.

Many people use tools to block third party JS from loading. AMP can't be called privacy-friendly while making it extremely difficult to use when tracking (AMP Analytics) is blocked. The 8-second delay happens to me every time I accidentally click an AMP URL in my browser.

I don't use Google Search, and I frequently get sent to Google's AMP cache via other link sources (e.g. HN).

I don't have javascript blocked, but I do have Google's tracking blocked via standard tracking protection (which is now a built-in feature in most non-Google browsers), which means <noscript> tags are not triggered, and I get the 8 second delay due to non-loading JS resources.

I don't think my setup is as rare as you make out.

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