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What happens if other browsers don't implement it? It seems like they'll just show CloudFlare or Google's domains, instead of the signing domain?

The behavior for browsers without support is to show the google.com/amp URL as before, along with a small html-based bar with additional information about the original domain and share intents.

With a button to disable AMP results entirely if that's the wish of the user?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

> share intents

Does that mean that the Google+ button is coming back? Seriously? Why not just serve the content and leave it at that? Is the tiny bit of extra data you get from a unique "share on Facebook" URL worth it?

The share button simply calls the browser's share API, for example: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/s...

> The Navigator.share() method invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device as part of the Web Share API.

I didn't know the Web Share API existed, but based on the RFC, it looks like yet another Google-driven "standard." I still don't see why it needs to be added to the page.

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