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> -save my chat history in the cloud so that i dont lose everything when i move from iOS to Android or vise versa.

Is there something in the existing WhatsApp cloud backup feature that prevents you from bringing those backups between iPhone and Android?

I did a lot of research and apparently its impossible because if different database formats the messages are saved on two platforms. At least that's what I understood on some random forum.

It is possible to do so, using third party applications. I've done it with the help of a friend, although it required using paid Windows apps that looked like there was no way they could possibly be legitimate and not a scam - they worked like a charm. the process involved an application downgrade, forcing the iPhone to make local backup instead of backing up to the cloud and a handful other things, all of which where automated.

yeah I saw those and to your point I thought there is no way these are legit and I thought it's definitely a scam

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