You’re still not describing a stack; you are describing the normal three-step client→resolver→auth_server procedure. Your “non recursive client” is the client, the ISP has the resolver, and that resolver performs many queries to many authoritative servers, which is the final step. There is still only one resolver, not a stack of them.
A common variation, which might have been what you meant to describe, is that a home router is announcing itself as a resolver to the local network, but is, in reality, merely acting as a proxy to the actual resolver, either at the ISP or some other resolver provider. But a DNS proxy is not a resolver, and might not even have a cache. A DNS proxy is made to be transparent, i.e. invisible to both sides; the local network sees the proxy as the resolver, and the real resolver sees the proxy as the client. There are even more complex setups possible on the authoritative server side, but none of these proxy possibilities alter the fundamental DNS model of client→resolver→auth_servers.
The possibility of transparent proxies in any client-server protocol should not alter the description of that protocol from “client-server” to “client-proxy-proxy-proxy-…-server”, especially not when the protocol does not itself account for proxies. The DNS protocol has, inherently, one component between client and server: the resolver. There is no chain-of-resolvers model in the DNS protocol. The possibility of any number of transparent proxies at any point in the chain should not alter the description or explanation of any protocol.
A common variation, which might have been what you meant to describe, is that a home router is announcing itself as a resolver to the local network, but is, in reality, merely acting as a proxy to the actual resolver, either at the ISP or some other resolver provider. But a DNS proxy is not a resolver, and might not even have a cache. A DNS proxy is made to be transparent, i.e. invisible to both sides; the local network sees the proxy as the resolver, and the real resolver sees the proxy as the client. There are even more complex setups possible on the authoritative server side, but none of these proxy possibilities alter the fundamental DNS model of client→resolver→auth_servers.
The possibility of transparent proxies in any client-server protocol should not alter the description of that protocol from “client-server” to “client-proxy-proxy-proxy-…-server”, especially not when the protocol does not itself account for proxies. The DNS protocol has, inherently, one component between client and server: the resolver. There is no chain-of-resolvers model in the DNS protocol. The possibility of any number of transparent proxies at any point in the chain should not alter the description or explanation of any protocol.