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> I think it's a problem with how RAII is used, conflating execution scope and object lifetime in a way that makes "move" a bit of a mess.

It seems to me that there's a subset that is just fine. Use RIAA to, for example, take a lock and automatically release it when you leave a scope. That's not a problem, in itself. And go ahead and use move semantics, too. That's also fine.

But don't use move on an object that's doing RIAA to take and release a lock. That, in my view, is not much of a restriction, because if you think about it, that's not really a reasonable thing to want to do. That RIAA lock-taker is not the kind of object that you want to move, or even copy. Explicitly disable those actions (private copy constructor and operator, private move), and you should be good.

Or have I missed something?

> if you think about it, that's not really a reasonable thing to want to do. That RIAA lock-taker is not the kind of object that you want to move, or even copy.

It actually is (at least re: moving). Tying lock acquisition to object lifetime is a Good Thing (TM), and if you wanted to extend or shrink the lifetime of that lock you should be able to do that by moving the RAII object, the same as how you could do it with a shared_ptr or whatever.

> don't use move on an object that's doing RIAA to take and release a lock.

Absolutely. If the question is "what would I do in C++ today" then my answer is that I would use RAII subject to common-sense rules like this.

> Explicitly disable those actions (private copy constructor and operator, private move)

That's a decent enough solution within the context of C++ as an unchangeable thing, but I want people to look beyond that context. C++ has never been an unchangeable thing. Programmers shouldn't have to take such extra steps, so closely tied to how the language works that year, to get a conceptually simple result. That's how bugs creep in, and how even correct code becomes drudgery. We have no choice but to accept it now, but we shouldn't accept it permanently.

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