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I had a friend once who did 18 months Federal time for just saying he could get 100 tabs of LSD at a forest rave in central Florida.

Not having it...not getting any...not even showing the undercover agent even one damn tab.

His charge ended up being "Conspiracy Against the United States" or something along those lines.

So I am pretty sure the US government will come up with some rather bogus charge against Assange, considering how he humiliated it.

It's very unlikely that the facts resemble anything like that. What's your friends name? I'll happily pay the Pacer fees to see what the charging document says.

Agreed, sounds like the friend agreed to sell 100 tabs. Whether or not you actually sell them doesn't matter, I think making the offer to an agent is probably illegal in the same way it's illegal to offer to murder someone for money.

I can't imagine that this is a true story. Which country is throwing someone into jail for 1,5 years for offering to sell someone lsd?

Given a long enough criminal history, people go to jail for much longer for much less in the US

But with US incarceration figures it could be real.

At the end of 2016, the Prison Policy Initiative estimated that in the United States, about 2,298,300 people were incarcerated out of a population of 324.2 million. This means that 0.7% of the population was behind bars. About 1,316,000 people were in state prison, 615,000 in local jails, 225,000 in federal prisons.


DEAL...you know what...im tired of people here thinking im making things up...hmmm how do you want to start doing this.. I'm serious here...let's do this...how to best initiate what we need to get rolling?

Please...email me at lampdeveloperforhire@yahoo.com and I will HAPPILY let you see it all, because I've already researched it years ago when I didn't believe that was the whole story!

Especially Federal prison (most crime in the US is under state jurisdiction). It doesn't add up at all.

If the forest is a national park or otherwise federal property, it does.

DEAL...you know what...im tired of people here thinking im making things up...hmmm how do you want to start doing this.. I'm serious here...let's do this...how to best initiate what we need to get rolling?

Please...email me at lampdeveloperforhire@yahoo.com and I will HAPPILY let you see it all, because I've already researched it years ago when I didn't believe that was the whole story!

Although he made out of produce the LSD, I assume money changed hands. I may be mistaken, but I think this is the syna qua non of a drug charge.

Not OP, but if it were my friend (and if I was any kind of friend at all) I wouldn't be dropping his name on a publicly accessible forum so a ton of people can violate his privacy.

Might be better to privately exchange the name and then update us with the results without revealing any identity.

Of course, happy to take it via DM and I'd be glad to report back without any identifying information.

Why would OP have any reason to trust you with the information? And for the lowest of stakes, proving a point on a web forum.

What's there to trust? The names of everyone convicted of Federal crimes are public, as are the details of their crimes. If OP claims that someone was convicted of something incredibly implausible, he could prove it by telling everyone the name so they could look it up themselves. Alternatively, he could just tell a single person who could look it up and report back. Or not -- it's just the internet, who really cares?

But until he proves that something resembling his claim actually happened (which he could easily do by telling anyone the name of the convicted), nobody should believe for a second that someone was jailed in Federal prison for "claiming they could get 100 tabs of acid."

I am now ACTIVELY trying to get your attention to get this moving, as I feel you are challenging my integrity and this is very important to me.

HN doesn’t have a DM feature.

If OP was interested, I'd provide a twitter/reddit/signal/messenger or whatever for DMing. Or just an email address. I meant it as more of a euphemism for private communication.

Please...email me at lampdeveloperforhire@yahoo.com and I will HAPPILY let you see it all, because I've already researched it years ago when I didn't believe that was the whole story!

DEAL...you know what...im tired of people here thinking im making things up...hmmm how do you want to start doing this..

I'm serious here...let's do this...how to best initiate what we need to get rolling?

Please...email me at lampdeveloperforhire@yahoo.com and I will HAPPILY let you see it all, because I've already researched it years ago when I didn't believe that was the whole story!

The deal was...the rave scene was really big in Central Florida in the mid 90's, and a Federal Task Force was sent to infiltrate the "scene" and start busting it up..my homeboy Mike was a hustler, pure and simple, and was always ready to make some money in the game.

There was a big outside event in the Ocala National Forest and Mikey was approached by someone who was asking about LSD (100 or 1000 hits I don't remember...probably 1000 now that I think about it)...Mike was like, as in character..."No not now, but I can tomorrow for sure.." and gave the agent his number.

The rest of the details for me are fuzzy at this point, but I do know he never got any drugs and he most DEFINITELY did 18 months cushy Fed Time with a "Conspiracy Against the United States of America" charge that you can STILL see with an inexpensive background check!!

Oh...i can't wait to see your reaction when you learn the facts of this case...in fact, how about a little side wager on it?

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