I've had (unipolar) ECT done, many times, and it didn't work even marginally for me.
It wasn't a forced option, either - I wasn't in an environment where anyone was compelling me, directly or indirectly, to do it, or threatening to do something if I didn't, it was just another option presented to me.
I still don't think it's just a placebo - there's pretty good evidence that it's effective for a number of people, both in the small population of others I know who have had it done and outside of that, even though it wasn't helpful for me.
It also wasn't obviously deeply destructive for me, either - I don't remember the particular days that this was done well (and didn't even a few days after the fact), but I and others haven't noticed any memory or activity issues outside of that.
Do you have specific documentation of why you have these strong opinions?
It wasn't a forced option, either - I wasn't in an environment where anyone was compelling me, directly or indirectly, to do it, or threatening to do something if I didn't, it was just another option presented to me.
I still don't think it's just a placebo - there's pretty good evidence that it's effective for a number of people, both in the small population of others I know who have had it done and outside of that, even though it wasn't helpful for me.
It also wasn't obviously deeply destructive for me, either - I don't remember the particular days that this was done well (and didn't even a few days after the fact), but I and others haven't noticed any memory or activity issues outside of that.
Do you have specific documentation of why you have these strong opinions?