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Why? I love listening people play guitar live.

Is it because he makes you feel bad that you wasted your time playing video games instead of learning the real guitar?

I'll try: it depends on the environment. With some people, grabbing a guitar and singing is an interactive time. With others, it's playing a game together. Sometimes they like only one side of that.

It's not about feeling bad or jealous. It's that playing a guitar in a room full of uninterested gamers would be as awkward as playing guitar hero in a party where nobody enjoys casual games.

Why waste time with guitar when you can learn accordion like me? :-)

Unless you go pro, these are all leisure activities. Some are older than others and some get more traditional respect, but why is that important? I choose to learn an instrument, but I don't see an inherent reason why learning an instrument is better or worse than video games.

I play guitar and I'm similarly not a fan (most of the time). Someone drunkenly fumbling through wonderwall or whatever in an attempt to impress is not interesting.

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