y, has anyone seen kids playing Roblox? It actually has a slot machine looking mechanic? I'm a fan of Minecraft, Fortnite and PUBG but Roblox just looks like gambling for kids. Any thoughts?
My girlfriend's sister (was ~10 at the time) is now banned from Roblox because she kept getting sucked into ERP with people in game. Safe to say, the mother wasn't happy when she saw some of those chat logs...
Minecraft is the replacement - no IAPs (as far as I know), online community is pretty varied but pretty decent for the most part, and the game is lots of fun even completely offline.
Roblox has a nice parental control system, and is totally playable with chat disabled (and the preference password-locked with a special parent-held password).
Yeah I've seen kids at the local library playing Roblox nonstop for hours. I think the library made a special table of computers for them. Didn't know it was addictive, but it would not come as a surprise.
I'm not quite sure how different that is from before. I used to have this Pokemon-themed Tamagotchi ripoff [1] which featured a literal slot machine. I don't think I turned out any worse for it. (Disclaimer: I've never heard of Roblox.)
I don't think there's any core slot machine functionality in Roblox.
But Roblox is essentially a game development platform. Anyone can build a game on top of Roblox, and that player-created game could have slot machines in it.