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That reeks of incompetence though. Systems shouldn’t be in so much flux that existing products keep breaking. Poor abstraction and tight coupling.

>and traffic is what gets attention at google.

This is likely what resulted in the huge collapse in engineering quality. People that spew out shit with flashy features for product managers get rewarded and move up while people who stabilize and maintain products are cast aside.

The size of the engineering group at google is more than 10x what it was back in the glory days of stuff like gmail, reader, maps, etc. Google now just makes incremental worse changes to existing products (look how slow maps and gmail are) and kills off things that the terrible engineering org can’t keep up with.

There are definitely great engineers at google, but the ratio of garbage to them has become untenable and Google is well on its path to mediocrity. A great example of this is that you have to do an interview again if you want to work on something actually innovative like self driving cars.

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