Your DNA is barely yours. It's all shared with a lot of other people. You have only a handful (~100) private mutations that could really be called "yours", which is moot next to the six billion base pairs that make up the rest of your genome. Now yes, the unique combination of DNA that is in your genome is virtually impossible to be shared with anyone else. But, you are not going to be able to precisely and completely reconstruct it. Even the human reference has dozens of remaining gaps. Nobody really knows exactly what is in their own genome, and every reconstruction is based on sharing with other humans, so the idea of ownership is somewhat strange to me.
Most songs are largely the same chords and notes, but that doesn't mean that any particular assemblage those isn't something that could be identifiable, unique, and expressive in a in an interestingly different way.
You can't quantify what is ultimately going to be expressed as qualities by counting the numbers of genes that may be different; it doesn't take that many bits to make you likely to ultimately stay unique for any length of future human history.