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Composition over inheritance solves only certain language problems where limitations of expressive power make the code less transparent or flexible, but it’s not a solution for decomposition. The problems with properly used inheritance arise only in sufficiently old and evolved code, because decomposition of one domain does not necessarily describe well another (evolved) domain. Programmers tend to think that every problem in the world should be addressed by better coding, so they try to change their coding practices. In fact, solution here is managerial - throw away the old code and do the decomposition once again, for the new circumstances and new requirements. OOD and inheritance work well, so let’s not blame them for the use cases which they cannot solve.

100% this. We're never going to built a perfect sand castle.

IMHO - There are many managerial short comings in software development that lead to abuse of legacy design. OOP by design allows you to abstract and ignore not only original implementation decisions but reflections of those decisions in the architecture. Polymorphism makes sense when it's the classic ICat: IAnimal example but so often it _becomes_ IHouseFly : IAnimal because all the contracts expect IAnimal and the deadline is.....tomorrow.

I personally don't have a good solution given the pragmatic counter argument that the ROI on a system which is cheap to develop but is patched over 5 years may be equal to or cheaper than one that is expensive to develop and _still_ needs to be patched over it's 5 year lifetime. Let's call this the used car problem. A new car is more reliable but now that used cars are reliable _enough_ it's harder to convince people _not_ to gamble with a lower upfront cost.

I absolutely _love_ Rust and the code I'm written feels bullet proof. No idea how long it would take a team of my C# peers to be even 1/10th as productive in Rust/Go as they are in Visual Studio and C#.

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