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Incense is psychoactive: It's good for your brain (thinkgene.com)
21 points by chaostheory on May 21, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This article doesn't say that it's good for your brain. Merely that it seems to cause anti-anxiety and anti-depressive results in mice. However, this doesn't mean it's good for you. Many drugs have those effects as well as significant negative ones. Alcohol, for example, has quite strong anti-anxiety properties, and no one (that I know of) is claiming getting tanked is good for your brain. Likewise cigarettes and marijuana (I suppose some folks are claiming that marijuana is good for the brain, as it is attributed with all sorts of miraculous properties by folks who really want their recreational drug of choice to also be a cure for everything).

I'm not saying incense isn't good for the brain, just that this article does not say that it is.

One could also take away, based on the circumstantial evidence of its frequent involvement in various churches over the past few thousand years, that frankincense makes you gullible, easily parted from your money, and more likely to believe in ghosts and magic. These are not desirable traits, though all could result, I suppose, from a bit too much anti-anxiety medication.

I think I'll refrain from dosing on frankincense for the time being, along with every other drug that I'm being told is good for my brain.

This does actually have potential to lead to a new class of anti-anxiety medication. It's also funny to put the rituals of the ancient Christians into context.

btw I thought this was a big news item on thinkgene recently, scientists got a working Alzheimer's vaccine in mice. http://www.thinkgene.com/vaccine-triggers-immune-response-pr...

Well, duh. Is there any doubt that inhaling the smoke from burning plant material can be psychoactive? We've got major industries based on this premise.

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