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Ideally, any archive respects the wishes of copyright holders and we don't need to rely on legislation. I certainly want control over my data, and thankfully most legal systems are on my side. My rights over my data trump other peoples need to preserve absolutely everything, no matter how trivial. Like the collection of personal letters my grandparents wanted destroyed after their death, which did not end up in a library vault and the historical significance of which is lost to time.

I pity future historians who will need to wade through the petabytes of crap like so much landfill because we outsourced curating it to the future. Because just maybe the rubbish I spout on my personal blog will be of interest to future generations (hint, it isn't, and I'll be spinning in my grave from embarrassment if it is). I doubt they will wade through it, since we have the ability to leave future generations actual historic records and not force them to learn about us from fragments decoded by archaeologists.

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