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The cited study 1990 https://doi.org/10.3109/07853899009148930 is evaluating "consistent sauna use preventing colds" rather than "get in the sauna to sweat out a cold", and in fact stated that

"The average severity of the common colds per cent was 1.8f0.8 in group 1 and 2.0k0.7 in group 2. The mean duration of common colds per event was 6.7 k3.9 days in group 1 and 7.5k5.6 days in group 2. Neither yields a significant difference between the two groups."

So, that one study found a minor preventative effect, but no curative effect.

Interesting that they also state

"The average frequency of sauna bathing was 26.8 55.5 (mean k SO) per six months. The frequency of common colds during this time was 33 in group 1 and 46 in group 2. This difference between the two groups is statisti- cally significant (P <0.05). The expected frequency ac- cording to previous reports (1-9) and based on the six months preceding (Table 1) the study would be 50 per six months in each group."

They expect 50 colds per group of 25 people in six months? On average each person getting a cold for a week every three months?

Looks like that's not far off, depending on the age distribution. Kids 4-8 per year, over 60 maybe 1/year. Wow.

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