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Oh my god, this. There was a cartoon on air when I was young (Star Blazers) and it used a fully serial format.

There were about 52 episodes, but I could only watch them in the summer because of conflict with school time.

I knew when my favorite episodes were coming and it was really rough to miss one. Generally I had to wait until the next year to see it, which is effectively forever when you're like seven years old.

VCRs existed, of course, but were far from ubiquitous in the early 80s. They were still sort of a rich person toy at that point. Home video was expensive. Late 80s, early 90s is when video rental joints and cheap VCRs flourished and at that point you pretty much could assume every home had one.

Its early use of the serial format is one of the big reasons Star Blazers is still a notable anime. That, and the excellent remake _Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199_.

Yeah, that looks pretty good! I've been "saving" it, so to speak - I'll watch it someday as a treat. =)

By the way, I met Amy Howard (American voice of Yuki/Nova) some years ago and she's a very sweet and friendly lady. Also shared an airport shuttle with Ken Messerol (Kodai/Wildstar) and said hello, but declined to pester him beyond that out of respect. Didn't want to bug him.

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