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    and I recognize that the number of films I will watch before I die is on the order of maybe 300
This kind of thing seems morbid, but as I tiptoe into my 40s I find it hilarious. Got my home's roof redone lately. Allegedly has a 50 year warranty. Mentally added 50 to my current age and was like... well, yep, that oughta do it. hahaha.

A bit morbid but also incredibly important.

When my colleagues say "I worked on this over the weekend" I get pretty upset because

1) Dude you're in your 40's. If you're lucky you've got ~2100 lazy Sunday afternoons left. Probably a third to half of those in decent health. That's not very many. How many of those do you want to spend doing stupid shit (aka most jobs) for somebody else for free?

2) Don't normalize that behaviour so I have to do it too.

"This will last until I die" is quite the value prop.

It'll help with re-sale (still 22 years to go!) - one likely outcome before you kick it.

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