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It seems technically interesting but societally problematic. For example it appears to greatly simplify stalking and harassment. How can a domestic violence victim avoid their attacker if their movements are so easily monitored? Perhaps use this to identify people walking away from a gay bar or a political meeting to set up a bashing? Note when somebody leaves home in order to rob their place? And bear in mind that for some individuals the cost of being identified back won't outweigh the value in being able to locate their victim.

The situation you're describing means you can know exactly what your stalker/harasser's routine is too. You can also prove undeniably that they are a stalker or harasser. In fact, Grassland will be watching them even when you can't. It can make statistical predictions to you about when they sleep, where they work, where they're going to be at 11 tomorrow etc etc.

It's a two way stalker street.

Yes, but you don't know your stalker exists until you are attacked and perhaps they just don't care if their routine is known. Consider that your stalker/attacker may enjoy the power of forcing you to monitor them back. So now we have a new avenue for trolling.

The system as described empowers the obsessive aggressor far more than improving the lives of people who don't care to focus on the minutiae of the lives of others.

To join the hypothetical, I'd imagine you can deploy AI/ML to try to avoid your stalker(s). Google Assistant already tells you when to leave for work and which route to take, imagine having it vary the time and the route to avoid stalkers it has noticed from the data it gathered.

But then the stalkers would also have the same system to try to figure out what your digital bodyguard recommended to you.

that's a cool side project "ninja steam" where you randomize Google Assistant routes to cover up your tracks :D

You guys don't really see the big picture here. You're hung up on minutiae. And it doesn't matter. Because there are other people who'll read this. People who understand how seemingly useless data can tell you so much. Data the human body and other physical objects "stream" every time they move. Data that pops into existence and is gone in an instant, so no one cares about it. They "get" it ;)

Not about stalker, but related question. What if the offender don't really care if you can see them? They just do a suicidal attack to the victim, like what a terrorist always do. Or what if the offender are prepared for the jail time?

You can't stop people who ignore consequences, and this tech enable them to perform what they want without an organized crime group or terrorist group.

State surveillance is an issue, but this tech creates different issues.

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