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Nellie Ohr: Ham radio not used for Russia contacts (daytondailynews.com)
1 point by lightlyused on March 30, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

WTF kind of silly question, asking why a "woman in her 50's would get a ham radio license." The questioner must not really understand radio or cumputer technology. Covert comms are pretty easy using Tor, Telegram, or numerous other applications. Amateur radio frequencies are easily monitored by governments and hobbyists - you can't expect privacy and are prohibited from commercial usage. Also, why do all of the studying and testing just for a comm channel to another country?

What kind of legislator troll asks a question like that, on a Qanon level of dumbassery?

Is this supposed to be signs of a conspiracy or something?

I remember my dad getting a visit from US anchorites after they found he had contact with Jim Jones via ham radio.

LOL, he must have been in Jones's logbook, or picked up by the NSA monitors.

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