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> Too bad you didn't let him assault you: that would have made it much easier. Simply charge him with assault and use it as evidence in the POA hearing.

Sometimes its best not to further aggravate family arguments. This situation is currently recoverable, filing charges will forever change the relationship.

JohnSully says:

Sometimes its best not to further aggravate family arguments. This situation is currently recoverable, filing charges will forever change the relationship.

In most such situations it may resolve the matter to the benefit of a wiser or more socialized party, does little additional harm and merely cements and documents a longstanding situation that has little or no chance of being changed. It also provides documentation and a basis for future litigation if necessary.

Under extreme emotional stress such as this situation people act irrationally. The brother may come to his senses and relent as he has time to calm down and reflect. If charges are pressed it becomes extremely unlikely this will happen. Further it does harm, it will dramatically affect the life of the brother if he is convicted.

Deescalation is not emotionally satisfying but it does work.

JohnSully says:

"Deescalation is not emotionally satisfying but it does [sometimes] work."


but you may not agree.

JohnSully, you are an optimist. As in

"this is the best of all possible worlds." -the early Candide in Voltaire's Candide


Like the older Candide I am a pessimist and my personal experience is that:

a)Roughly a third of people are either simply nuts (insane, partially schizophrenic, manic-depressive, etc.), have significant character flaws (greed, dishonesty, vice, short temper, addiction, etc.), hold far-fetched ideas that bar them from thinking clearly or are too dim-witted to do so. In any conflict or decision, they will never agree to most anything.

b) Half of people are amenable to reason but require a significant effort in both time and expense to gain agreement. No decision will ever take less than a week.

c) A final one-sixth of persons will see a presented beneficial resolution for both parties _and_ will act thereupon almost immediately.

I've seen the result of "filing charges" during a time like this and let me tell you family relationships are especially fragile, and can easily evaporate completely after the remaining parent dies.

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