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I'm curious to know what the percentage of places are that 1. Support contactless 2. support chip 3. only support swiping.

Secondly, I wonder if they can, for example, have a different number on the swipe, and have that number require extra security (such as approving each transaction on your phone).

The vast majority of gas pumps I've used are swipe only.

Anecdotal - I'm in Canada and pay mostly with credit cards. I don't even recall swiping my card in the past two years. I've basically been doing contactless under $100 whenever I can and chip and pin for all other transactions.

I used to live there 6-7 years ago and even then I used contactless all the time. I've since moved the US (silicon valley no less), and no one had contact-less. Just this year my credit card finally got tap support... So yeah Canada is easily a decade ahead when it comes to this.

I had to swipe in Whistler, BC last week FWIW.

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