Isn't that in the very quote? "All of the spending tracking and other information is stored directly on the device, not Apple’s servers."
Apple Maps 'significant locations' feature and similar are also on-device only - Apple does not know where your home or work is – your phone does, but that data never leaves it.
MasterCard obviously knows what you purchase and where, as they are the ones processing the transaction, but that data transits Apple's servers in encrypted form, which Apple is unable to read by design, I expect.
Apple Maps 'significant locations' feature and similar are also on-device only - Apple does not know where your home or work is – your phone does, but that data never leaves it.
MasterCard obviously knows what you purchase and where, as they are the ones processing the transaction, but that data transits Apple's servers in encrypted form, which Apple is unable to read by design, I expect.