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Off topic, but it is really uncomfortable to read anything on medium because 25% of my screen is covered by header containing 'Sign In' and 'Get Started' and by footer with 'Get Updates' button.

In addition to the solutions in the sibling comments, let me offer my favorite one: a simple bookmarklet that zaps all sticky elements on the page. Works wonders in Medium and a lot of other sites.


Thank you, this works like a charm! I tried it on tapas.io where it got rid of both the annoyingly thick header as well as the sidebar.

Fortunately there is an extension for Chrome solving that problem.


The 'element zapper' (or 'picker' if you want it made permanent) in uBlock Origin also works great for these situations.

I usually just drop into the browser dev tools and delete those elements. But I also try to avoid medium, blocking its domains by default and only unblocking if I really, really want to read something (which is becoming increasingly uncommon, since I don't like how medium basically say "we need to share your data with third parties"). I blocked medium in my hosts file for a while, but that turned out to be a little bit too inconvenient. I usually hope that the HN comments can give me enough information so I can stay away from medium...

The moment they started abusing the "unsaved data" notification in the browser I blocked their entire domain in uMatrix.

Check outline out. https://outline.com/czFN3X I believe it was made by someone here on HN, or at least I found it through it.

I only recently realised that tapping the “stacked horizontal lines” icon to the left of the url in iPhone safari enables a reading view which removes this stuff.

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