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Reposting a dead post which should not have been dead, from abecedarius:

    These had high I-want-to-read-itosity, I thought:
    Abelson and diSessa, Turtle Geometry
    Abelson and Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    Aho and Weinberger and Kernighan, The AWK Programming Language
    Andrew Appel, Compiling With Continuations
    Jon Bentley, More Programming Pearls
    Jon Bentley, Programming Pearls
    Leo Brodie, Thinking FORTH
    W. H. Burge, Recursive Programming Techniques
    Carriero and Gelernter, How to Write Parallel Programs
    A. K. Dewdney, The New Turing Omnibus
    Edsger Dijkstra, A Discipline of Programming
    Richard Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Computation
    Friedman and Felleisen, The Little Schemer
    Friedman and Wand and Haynes, Essentials of Programming Languages [1st edition]
    James F. Gimpel, Algorithms in Snobol4
    Paul Graham, On Lisp
    Philip Greenspun, Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing
    Grune and Jacobs, Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide
    Daniel Hillis, The Connection Machine
    Kernighan and Pike, The Practice of Programming
    Kernighan and Pike, The Unix Programming Environment
    Kernighan and Plauger, Software Tools in Pascal
    Donald Knuth, Literate Programming
    Glenn Krasner (editor), Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice
    Susan Lammers, Programmers at Work
    Wm Leler, Constraint Programming Languages
    Liskov and Guttag, Abstraction and Specification in Program Development
    Peter Norvig, Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
    Chris Okasaki, Purely Functional Data Structures
    Richard O'Keefe, The Craft of Prolog
    P. J. Plauger, Programming on Purpose I. (and II and III)
    P. J. Plauger, The Standard C Library
    Jef Raskin, The Humane Interface
    Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
    Toby Segaran, Programming Collective Intelligence
    Toffoli and Margolus, Cellular Automata Machines
    Niklaus Wirth, Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System and Compiler
    Witten, Moffat, & Bell, Managing Gigabytes
    (mostly from my old list at http://wry.me/~darius/personal/books.html)

Why is Darius Bacon's account dead? I just flipped showdead back on to check, and it's his first dead comment. Seriously, WTF?

Skipping stuff commented on elsewhere:

While _The New Turing Omnibus_ is probably nothing too surprising to people here (at least not the subset that also hangs out on LtU, etc.), it's got a lot of approachable 2-5 page summaries of many major topics in CS.

_The Craft of Prolog_ is quite good, though perhaps of less interest to non-Prologers. _The Art of Prolog_ is essential, however. It's an SICP-caliber book, focused entirely on declarative programming, constraint programming, DSLs, etc.

_Compiling with Continuations_ rocks. It's an ML treatment of CPS-as-an-IR, like Steele's _RABBIT_ and Krantz et al.'s _Orbit_.

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